New To Vaping

New To Vaping

At Blackstone Labs , we exist to make the UK smoke-free. We believe that the best way to do that is by offering a reliable, effective alternative to smoking. In recent years, e-cigarette shave been shown to be one of the most effective methods for those seeking to quit smoking for good.

In fact, an independent review published by Public Health England estimates that e-cigarettes are roughly 95% less harmful than cigarettes. By switching from smoking to vaping, you’ll be doing a favour to yourself, your wallet, and everyone around you.

Today, the vaping industry is fully regulated, and customers have a range of options available to suit any level of smoker. Whether you’re looking to cut back, cut out, or eventually go entirely nicotine-free, vaping offers forms of nicotine replacement that are both broader and more specialised than traditional cigarettes.

Although there are a variety of benefits to swapping out cigarettes for vaping, we want to make clear that vaping is a means of quitting smoking, and we do not recommend that non-smokers start vaping. With that said, if you’re ready to get started on your journey toward becoming smoke-free, we’ll cover the basics of vaping to get you started in the right direction.

What is Vaping?









At its most basic level, vaping refers to the inhaling of vapour created by an e-cigarette or other vaping device. E-cigarettes and other vapes are battery-powered devices designed solely and specifically for the purpose of vaping.

Their key, basic components are a battery, a tank, and a coil. The tank is filled with a liquid containing nicotine, flavouring and food-grade carrier oils. When the device is fired, the coil heats up, evaporating the liquid to create a vapour which is then inhaled by the user.

Is Vaping Right for You?









If you’re ready to make the journey toward being smoke-free, switching to vaping is an excellent first step. With e-cigarettes considered 95% less harmful than traditional cigarettes, and working out at several thousand pounds cheaper annually, both your body and your wallet will thank you.

What’s more, whilst attempting to quit smoking cold turkey is certainly admirable, it also makes relapsing easier. When it comes to habits, it’s believed that switching or replacing a habit with another is much easier and more sustainable in the long run than attempting to give up a habit entirely. In practical terms, when compared to smoking, vaping gives you many more options for cutting down on —and eventually entirely cutting out —nicotine consumption.

Difference Between Vaping vs Smoking

1. Inhaling vapour, not smoke









When you switch from smoking to vaping, you’ll begin to experience a range of benefits. These include health benefits —most notably, improved lung functioning —financial benefits, and reducing damage done to others via second-hand smoke.

At its core, the key distinction between vaping and smoking is what you inhale. With cigarettes, tobacco is combusted, and you inhale the resulting smoke. Commercial tobacco is chemically treated, and with every draw, smokers inhale a variety of toxic chemicals, such as carbon monoxide, butane and tar.

2. Less damaging to your lungs









With vaping, liquids containing nicotine are heated to produce vapour, which is then inhaled. The liquid for e-cigarettes simply contains non-toxic, food-grade oils, along with flavourings and the user’s preferred strength of nicotine (which can be none at all!).

The report from Public Health England suggests that e-cigarettes are up to 95% less harmful than traditional cigarettes. One of the key aspects of this is a reduction in damage to users’ lungs and respiratory systems. The report found that asthma patients who switched from smoking to vaping experience “found significant improvements in symptoms and respiratory function” and that most of the chemicals responsible for smoking-related disease are absent in e-cigarettes.

3. Less damaging to others around you









Compared to second-hand smoke, exhaled vapour from a vaping device does little to no damage to others.

The report from Public Health England concluded that e-cigarettes“release negligible levels of nicotine into ambient air with no identified health risks to bystanders.”
The amount of nicotine residue left on surfaces was also deemed negligible.

4. Less smell / Nicer smell









As there is no combustion involved in vaping, there is no burnt, smoky smell, and although vape liquids do leave behind a smell, this is typically much milder than cigarette smoke, dissipates faster, and does not linger on surfaces to the same extent.

Since vape liquids are available in a variety of flavours, it’s always possible that your choice of e-liquid may even smell pleasant to those around you.

5. Cheaper









Aside from doing a favour to your health and your surroundings, by switching from smoking to vaping you’ll be doing wonders for your wallet.

 It’s estimated that smokers who smoke an average of 20 cigarettes per day can expect to save over £3000 a year by switching to e-cigarettes!


E-cigarettes provide a better alternative to tobacco cigarettes because they deliver nicotine without dangerous chemicals. Many people have ditched cigarettes and switched to e-cigarettes without looking back.

E-cigarettes do not produce any odor, and they give you much more control over your nicotine intake. If you switch to vaping, you’ll find it’s cheaper than cigarette smoking, and it requires no complex maintenance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are e-cigarettes?

Otherwise known as a vape pen or an electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS), an e-cigarette is a battery-powered device that heats a substance called e-liquid and turns it into a delightful vapor. 

This vapor is then inhaled, and voila! You’ve discovered vaping. 

A typical e-cigarette usually consists of a rechargeable battery, a tank (pod), and a heating element (coil). E-liquids are mainly nicotine, propylene glycol and/or vegetable glycerine, and flavor.

Is vaping legal?

Yes, vaping is legal in the UK. 

However, as a UK customer you can only purchase cross-border vaping products from a retailer that has been registered with the UK Government. 

Is vaping safer than smoking?

"E-cigarettes are 95% less harmful than tobacco."

Moreover, e-liquids produced in the UK are subject to some of the most intense safety procedures anywhere in the world. Every effort is made to ensure that UK e-liquids are as safe as can be and do not contain any harmful substances

How old do I have to be to buy vape products?

It is illegal to sell vape products to people under 18 years of age. You must be 18 to buy any product from Blackstone Labs.

Can vaping help me quit smoking?

In short "Yes"

One major study says yes vaping can help you to quit smoking. Not only that, but the evidence also concludes that vaping is around 95% safer than tobacco.

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